Navigating Success in the New Age The Path Forward

If you were presented a path where success was destined, how would you navigate this journey?

Sustainable Self Growth

No one is going to make your dream life happen for you. It’s not going to just knock at the front door one day and show you the path forward. You have to open your own doors, open your own mind and create your own unique map and path forward for success. 

Previously, you may have done this through sheer determination, grit, relentlessness and constantly pushing yourself.  I know I did. Throughout my corporate career and time training as a dancer and athlete; harder, better, faster stronger was always my way. But what if the secret to success is now a beautiful meandering path through the forest?

What if, there isn’t so much resistance anymore? What if, perhaps the path is slow and gentle. Filled with curiosity, creativity and wonder. What if all your hard work, for all those years, was already shaping a more easeful path. The seeds you planted years ago, now line this new path with beautiful blooms, leading the way. 

The path you’ve now stepped on is infinite, there are no incorrect decisions if you’re in alignment. No right or wrong at the fork in the road, they all lead to the same place. It’s just the experiences that shift slightly. 

How would you walk along this path, knowing that success is destined? 

If you knew, with absolute certainty, that the “destination” will be filled with beauty, success and abundance, would you race to the end? 

No silly! You’d appreciate every moment along the path knowing you might not be able to walk it again. You would take note of peculiar petals and gaze at the mystery of mushrooms along the way,

Now, remember how I said the path is infinite? 

So how would you know, what this successful end looks like? 

Well … you don’t. 

So how would you know when the finish line is in sight?

How would you know when to celebrate? When to keep going?

When do stop?

So many questions…

In truth, every step you take along the path is the beginning, middle and end. 

The present moment is exactly the past, future and the now, all rolled into one single step on your journey. 

There is no beginning, and there is no end. 

Infinite indulgence. 

In this moment, you’ve already won. 

In this moment, incredible opportunities are waiting in front of you to expand your journey. 

Or perhaps, you found the most beautiful meadow, filled with flowers your favourite colour, and sweet fruit to indulge on. Maybe you decide this meadow, is everything you could have ever wanted.

So you settle into your success here and say, I have everything I need, I am so blessed, how could I want anything more? Suddenly, an opening appears, another path, you didn’t even know existed. Something so grand it was beyond your mind’s eye to even imagine. 

A Garden of Eden. 

It was always there. Just hiding behind a few weeds (probably bloody lantana). 

So, where are you on your journey today?

Perhaps you’ve already reached your previous destination. And already have your eyes on the map, towards your next mountain to climb. Don’t you see your success right here right now?

Perhaps you’ve started a brand new path, feeling tiny, confused and insignificant. Forgetting the journey you battled simply to start a new path. Don’t you see your success right here right now? 

Perhaps, you’re somewhere in the middle, no idea how far you’ve come, no idea how far to go … so what do you do? 

You celebrate. You sit. And you take it all in. You’ve already made it. Soak up your success. Then simply take one step after the other, and trust in yourself, that you have the power to move mountains.

I’m proud of you. 



Happiness slips through the window, it doesn’t bang on the front door.